Frequently Asked Questions



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1. What is a brand?

The best way to think about brands is just having a look at the food brands you buy, the car you drive or the brand of clothes you choose. Why did you choose those particular brands? What do those brands mean to you? Did you connect with those brands in some way? If so, that's what you need to develop in order to create a connection with your ideal client.

What is the brand story you want to tell?

2. Can my name be my brand?

Absolutely! Your name can make an excellent brand and often does. However, there are a few considerations before you make that key decision... Could your business expand beyond yourself? Could your business continue on without you? Is there a more meaningful word that encompasses the essence behind your business? If the answer to any of these could be a "YES" then perhaps it's time to think about a brand name.

3. I have a logo already, so don't I already have a brand...?

Potentially you do. It depends on if you are absolutely clear about what your brand stands for. Do you know what your core values are, what the brand tone of voice is, what personality style it portrays and what is your brand's purpose and beliefs...? Sounds a bit like a person, right? And that's what you want to happen... for your brand to be a reflection of you. People connect with people, so your brand certainly encompasses your personality.... that is the only way to create authenticity.

4. What is marketing?

Marketing is a very broad area! At the heart of it is that you have a service or product that the world needs. Marketing is the communication of your service or product to your ideal clients.

To start, you need a passion or a belief that your idea will make a real impact on people. The role marketing plays is to create your story behind this passion or belief and create your brand. Once you have a brand you love and is authentically you, then you create your products or services that your ideal clients wants or needs at the right price. We then create a communication plan to educate and attract your ideal clients... this is otherwise known as advertising.

The key is firstly to know your brand and secondly to know your ideal clients.

5. I have a Social Media Manager. Isn't that enough?

Social Media is definitely a significant part of your marketing plan. However, Social Media is just one place that you communicate. You still need to know what to say and how to say it. And do you know which of the Social Media platforms you should be using, as not all are made equal...!

Whilst Social Media is most likely  to be crucial to your business, it's not the only way to get your Brand awareness out there. By understanding what your strengths are, and understanding who your ideal clients are, we can create an effective and efficient communication plan beyond Social Media.

6. What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a system that shows us the nine ways that people subconsciously default to in life. The Enneagram explains the “why” of all that we do, think, and feel. These nine types are based on our core motivations. When we delve into the Enneagram, we can better understand ourselves, begin to grow and consciously decide on our behaviour.

If you would like to read up more, we are Accredited Enneagram Practitioners with Integrative 9 where the website provides much more detail.  And when you're ready to move forward, then please contact us and we can talk through the steps.

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